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License and Insurance

Finch Moving & Storage is proudly servicing Chula Vista CA. We are a full service moving and storage company specializing in residential and office moving. Our fast and careful, licensed and insured movers Chula Vista are dedicated to provide professional moving services. Get the seamless and stress-free move of your belongings in a timely manner for affordable price with Finch Moving & Storage. We are non-franchised, locally owned and operated moving company that provides local and long distance moving services. We are fully

LICENSED and INSURED movers in Chula Vista

CA.LIC#0190910, CA#425182.

General Information

We started offering free moving services to buyers and sellers as a way of thanking them for allowing Finch Realty INC to represent them. We started getting so many referrals from our clients, family and friends that we decided to expand our company by adding a new branch – Finch Moving & Storage.
We think, what makes us different is that we have a very deep passion for serving our clients’ best interests. We are a family owned and operated licensed and insured movers in Chula Vista. We pride ourselves on prompt and exceptional moving service and cost effective pricing. Also we manage all inquiries and moving needs personally. Most importantly, customer service, quality products, affordable and realistic moving solutions are what our business provides the best

Finch Moving License is CAL PUC T-#0190910.

Selecting a moving company in Chula Vista  make sure the mover is licensed by the proper authority. Chula Vista movers are required to be licensed by CA Public Utilities Commission. Click here to check any moving company on P.U.C. website.

Below is a print screen of CA P.U.C. Website with the information about Finch Moving License.

Most licensed movers Chula Vista are listed in the classified telephone directories, newspapers and other local advertising.  When consulting written advertisements, avoid contacting movers who do not show their license number (Cal-T), which is issued by the P.U.C. Such movers are probably not licensed or insured against loss or damage.

Once you have the names of possible carriers Chula Vista, you may call the P.U.C. at 1-800-FON-4PUC (1-800-366-4782) to determine whether the movers are licensed and insured and whether the P.U.C. has issued informal citations or taken formal legal actions against the carriers.  You should also get written estimates to compare the prices and services of different moving companies to help you select a carrier.

Be sure to obtain the complete and correct moving company name, Cal-T number (P.U.C. license number), address and telephone number of the licensed movers Chula Vista you select to move your belongings. Keep the carrier informed as to how and where you may be reached at all times until the shipment is done.

All rates and charges are subject to P.U.C.–set maximums. Normally, licensed movers Chula Vista will not exceed these maximums – actually, most movers charge less. However, there may be circumstances under which licensed movers Chula Vista must issue a written estimate of total costs (no less than three days prior to moving day), indicate that maximum rates will be exceeded on the move and obtain your consent to the rates to be charged. If these procedures are not followed, the mover may not exceed P.U.C. maximum rates. If you would like to review the entire Maximum Rates Tariff 4 (effective January 16, 2014), click here.

Finch Moving Insurance

While planning to move you need to make sure that the moving company you hire is fully insured. The California Public Utilities Commission requires that all moving companies maintain minimum levels of liability insurance for both bodily injury or death and cargo. Your cargo is protected against loss or damage at 60 cents per pound per item, up to $20,000. You may purchase additional coverage if you wish. Be sure to declare the value of all particularly items of extraordinary value, such as jewelry, art and antiques.

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

People moving in Chula Vista need to make sure their movers have proper workers’ compensation insurance. Properly insured movers Chula Vista with workers’ compensation coverage incur significant costs to insure their employees what protects not only the mover but also, just as important, the customer.
The CA P.U.C. requires as a condition of license that they have on file a copy of that company’s Workers’ Compensation Insurance Certificate.

Consumers will be liable for any work-related injury occurring on their property to an employee of an uninsured mover. Consumers should request to see evidence of workers’ compensation coverage to confirm that they deal with insured movers Chula Vista. This will insure the selection of a reputable insured movers Chula Vista that meet the higher standard of protecting their employees and their customers.
Proof of Finch Moving & Storage Insurance will be submitted to any potential client upon request via email.